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Welcome to the world of Nia!

I am Kinga Brezina, Nia Faculty Trainer, Nia 2nd Degree Black Belt. I have been dancing, living, and teaching Nia for almost 15 years. ​

I encourage you to browse my website and learn about this beautiful form of holistic movement and how my relationship with Nia has evolved over the years. And if you're drawn to magic, feel free to try Nia!

​I hope to see you soon!

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Nia Classes and Locations

Let Nia speak to you!

  • Monday 18h-19h - Nia Anywhere Online - live broadcast on Zoom (can be viewed for 48 hours)

  • Tuesday 10am-11am - In Person Nia at Shift Studio (from October 8)

  • Tuesday 18h-19h - In Person Nia at Shift Studio

  • Wednesday 12:00-13:00 - In Person Nia at Kelenvölgy (1116 Bp, Mélykút u. 21.)

  • Wednesday 18:00-19:00 - Moving to Heal, Nia Anywhere Online - live broadcast on Zoom, (can be viewed for 48 hours)

  • Thursday 18h-19h - In Person Nia at Shift Studio

  • Saturday 8am-9am In Person Nia at Shift Studio

  • On the first Sunday of every month, 5:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m., In Person Nia at Shift Studio and live stream on Zoom (can be viewed for 48 hours)

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Upcoming Events

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The Art of Sensation
Nia White Belt Training
with Brezina Kinga

"Dancing makes you feel that you are part of the change."

Akram Khan

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Meet Nia

Nia is a complex, sensory-based dance movement form that uses martial arts, healing movements, and dance elements. The Nia dance, regardless of age or body shape, encourages everyone to connect with their body, mind, feelings, and soul. 

Meet Brezina Kinga

Nia is a First Degree Black Belt Teacher, Nia 5 Stages, Nia Moving To Heal, Nia FreeDance and Nia Move I.T. I am a teacher. I have been teaching Nia since 2010, while tirelessly learning and imparting that our body is our main source, the origin of all our secrets and knowledge, our oldest and best friend. 

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Nia Blog

Nia White Belt Training with Kinga Brezina

If Nia is not only in your dance, but you want to learn more about it, you want to make the experience even more personal, the blog posts are for you. Here you will find tips, secrets, special content and even a little magic. Be Nia the dancer, Nia the teacher, or a curious reader on the path of self-knowledge.

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Nia, the Dance of Life
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Subscribe to my newsletter

Every week I send a newsletter in which I write about upcoming events and share my thoughts with you.

Thank you for subscribing!

The Shift Studio


1061 Budapest, Andrássy út 35. 2nd em

Room rental:

Opening hours:

Monday - Sunday

8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m

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